Salvest tuli turule nelja uue omanäolise kastmega, mis loomulikult ka selgelt eristuvat nägu vajasid. Pakendil kasutame toote nime ja kastet iseloomustava vihje kujutamiseks erinevaid tüpograafilisi võtteid ja väikeseid vihjeid pildina. Eelpool mainitud elementidele lisasime ka pisut pidulikku puudutust, seda etikettide musta tausta abil, mis loob värvidega ka kena kontrasti.
Salvest brought 4 new sauces on our tables, every one of which has it’s own unique taste and characteristics. We’re displaying the name of the sauce and hints about the personality of the flavours using different techniques of typography. In addition to the texts, there are also pictograms indicating the characteristics of the sauce. To give our work a bit of elegance and to create a contrast we decided to use chic black background.