Salvesti Mahlakas Eesti mahlamaastiku pidi uue tulijana silma paistma, mispärast otsustasimegi lahendada etiketi mahla loomulikult pilkupüüdvat värvi esile tuues. Mis oleks selleks parem, kui läbipaistev silt! Lisaks kaubamärgi nimele ja vajalikule infole näitame etiketil pildi kujul joogi koostisosi. Kindlasti peame mainima ka pakendi tuntavat retrohõngu, mis Salvesti Mahlaka samuti teiste mahlajookide hulgast esile tõstab.
Mahlakas had to stand out in the growing juice market. The name (Mahlakas = Juicy) and appealing color of the product are it’s greatest strengths. That is why we left extra-mega-ultra amounts of space for the name and also the label completely transparent. In addition to texts there are also images of the ingredients to be seen. We chose a slightly retroesque bottle so that the product would visually really “pop” out of the shelf.