Title: "ELSAQ" Series pendants 1, 2, 3
Materials: Stainless Steel, Cubic Zirconia, Thread
Size: 85 x 85 x 85 mm (aprox)
“Bling” jewelry is criticized for a lack of sensitivity, for a pure decadence and ignorant display of personal wealth. The “ELSAQ” works acknowledge this, but add a layer of contemporary craft and artistic sensitivity, a gentle sway towards the sublime and fascinating elements of unique handmade objects.
By using emerging technologies and contemporary sensibilities it is my aim to articulate works of jewelry that fit clearly in with this particular point in time. The faceted stone is centuries old, yet can be understood as contemporary by in what sort of way it is treated. The language of jewelry, which is as old as humanity itself, is in a constant state of flux, in the same way that verbal languages change from generation to generation. This is the impact of time on a genre of expression that has been with us since the advent of humanity.