Rohkem tolerantsi, laiemat silmaringi ja kaks grammi tervendavat sarkasmi. Õlleklaasi taga on meel malbem ja avatum. Ikka on jutuks teised inimesed - see mis halvasti, kole või mõni on lihtsalt eriti loll. Pole vaja. Need illustratsioonid aitavad ümbritsevaga paremini toime tulla ning annavad õllesõbrale poes jooki valides vihje joogi olemusest.
More tolerance, a wider horizon and two grams of healthy sarcasm. Having a beer glass in your hand makes you calm and more open. We still talk about other people: what's bad, ugly or just particularly stupid. No need for that. These illustrations help a beer lover to cope better with the surroundings and choose the right drink in a store by giving a hint about the nature of the beer.