Päriselt roheline on see, kes vähendab prügi meie ümber, mitte lihtsalt ei väldi selle tekitamist. Neular on uus ehitusmaterjal, toodetud majapidamises tekkivatest plastikjäätmetest, mis varem rändasid prügimäele ja sinna jäid. Neular on uus võimalus luua keskkondi, mis on roheliselt oma sisult, mitte ainult värvi ja loosungite poolest. Post-environmental solution.
Green is not what it used to be. Green is reducing waste in the world, not just avoiding it. Neular is a new kind of construction material, made from household plastic waste that would otherise travel to a landfill and stay there forever. Neular is a new way to create spaces that are green by nature not just color or slogans. A truly post-environmental solution.