Koroonaviiruse eriolukorra tõttu pidid 16. märtsil kõik Eesti kooliõpilased minema üle distantsõppele, mitmetes peredes aga polnud siiani õppimiseks sobilikke arvuteid või neid ei olnud piisavalt palju, et kõik pere lapsed saaksid koolitööd jätkata. Paljudes kodudes ja ettevõtete kontorites on aga töökorras arvuteid ja nutiseadmeid, mis koguvad kasutult tolmu.
Algatus “Igale koolilapsele arvuti” viib kokku kodudes ja kontorites kasutult seisvad nutiseadmed peredega, kellel neid koduõppeks vaja on. Tänaseks on Eesti algatus inspireerinud ka rahvusvahelist algatust „Every student online“.
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all schools in Estonia have closed and switched to remote learning but there still are households who either don’t have any computer or need to share a device between several children. At the same time, there are many families or companies who have second-hand devices that could be used by households in need.
The voluntary project, “A computer for every student”, connects families who need a computer for remote learning, and those who have unutilized devices at home or in the office. By now, the project has inspired an international initiative, “Every student online“.