Need maitsvad puljongid ja kastmed on jääkidevabad mahetooted. Pakend on taas käideldavast plastist ning kokku kogutav ja nende kuju laseb kastidesse pakendeid pakkida väga ratsionaalselt. Spetsialistide poolt hoolega paika timmitud hõrk maitse peegeldub ka pakendi ülesehituses ja kujunduses. Nagu oma käega sildistatud väärtuslikud toiduvarud. Apetiitsed värvid ja tundlikud illustratsioonid võimendavad hoolt, mis nendesse toodetesse on pandud. 2020 sai toode Dubais Gulffoodil tiitli "Most Innovative Organic Product"
FS Goods packaging
These delicious broths and sauces are residue-free organic products. The packaging is Recyclable plastic and their shape allows the packaging to be packed in boxes very rationally. The so-called footprint of both the product and the production is minimal. In a store, these packages stand out. The delicious taste, carefully tuned by the specialists, is also reflected in the structure and design of the package. Like valuable food supplies labelled with your own hands.