Maailm meie ümber on kiire ja värvikas. Kogu see mitmekesisus põhineb struktuuril, andmepunktide võrgustikul, mis kirjeldavad ja põhjustavad meie seisundit.
Data is the new gold and Statistics Estonia is all about data. So we created a new identity for them. The concept is based on a structure, an underlying network of data-points that both describe and cause the condition we observe as the universe. These data-points give us the ability to track and extrapolate, to examine and explain the world, and then processes in it.
When we talk about data driven decision-making, then there is no one more data-driven that Statistics Estonia. That’s their whole gig. Since we live in a post fact world, Statistics Estonia decided to focus on being 100% data-centric and set their goal on giving people easy access to facts and real data.
So we re-branded the organisation with only one goal in mind. It has to make sense. It must be easy to work with and it needs to be the flagship of data-driven decision-making in Estonia.
Re-branding gave form to Statistics Estonia’s new vision of implementing the right data for Estonias future decisions. The bold and clean style for illustrations gives the opportunity to tell the story behind data and help us all make smarter, data-driven, choices. Whole organisation have gone through a shift in mindset and this new brand is the first step of turning out of context statistics to real and actually useful data.