Birgitta festival on juba aastaid tipptasemel ooperi ja balletilavastusi Eestisse toonud. Aastatega on festivali tunnustoonideks kinnistunud lilla-oranž värvipalett. Igal aastal nö taaselustub see värvipalett ja stiil uuesti, aga alati uues võtmes. Seekordne festivali visuaal keskendub peategelastele. Kontseptsioon on taandatud lavastuste peategelase portreedele, ja mitte ainult portree, vaid ka süžeeliini kõige ilmekamatele motiividele. Emotsionaalne ja dramaatiline - nagu ballett või ooper. See visuaal lõikab ennast muude suvesündmuste virr-varrist selgelt välja ja on klass omaette. See peibutab proovima midagi uut!
Birgitta Festival
The Birgitta Festival has brought top-level opera and ballet performances to Estonia for many years. Over the years, the purple-orange colour palette has become the hallmark of the festival. Every year, this colour palette and style is revived, but always in a new way. This time the visual of the festival focuses on the protagonists. The concept is reduced to the portraits of the protagonist of the productions, and not only to the portrait, but also to the most expressive motifs of the plot line. Emotional and dramatic—like ballet or opera. The visual clearly stands out from other summer events and is a class of its own. It's tempting to try something new!