Vaba Lava’s goal was to build a center for performing arts enriched with new service design solutions that would offer private and project theatres stages, technologies and different supportive services like communication, marketing, PR etc.
A unique and contemporary curator program was created that is popular in the whole world: 244 applications were submitted to the 2015/2016 season’s competition – 43 from Estonia and 201 from countries around the world.
This is a significant civil initiative that has resulted in a new theatre house for Tallinn after more than 100 years, an attractive place to participate in and hold events.
Võtsime eesmärgiks üles ehitada uute teenuslahendustega rikastatud etenduskunstide keskus, mis pakuks era- ja projektiteatritele ning vabatruppidele esinemispindu, tehnikat ja erinevaid tugiteenuseid (turundus, kommunikatsioon, välissuhtlus jne).
Tegu oli märgilise eraviisilise algatusega - Tallinn sai üle 100 aasta taas uue teatrimaja.