Mamma valmistoodete tehas Raplas tootis rajamise hetkest 2009. aastal kahjumit. 2016 lõpus kaasas uus juhtkond teenusedisainerid, mis aitas välja tuua tegelikud probleemid - sortiment on liiga pikk, tooted ei vasta tarbijate muutunud vajadustele, maitsed on aegunud, ebasobiv kuvand, võõrandumine tarbijatest. Töö tulemusena õnnestus kliendil põhjalikult muuta sortimenti, optimeerida protsesse, luua uued üliedukad tootepered. 2018 teenis €15mln käibega tehas esmakordselt kasumit. 2019 edu jätkus.
Our client’s food factory had never made a profit. In 2016 the new CEO hired service designers who helped to identify the true problems – too many SKUs, changed needs and habits of consumers, unpopular tastes, misleading brand image. The project helped our client to thoroughly change the assortment, optimize processes and launch several highly successful new product families. In 2018 the €15 million turnover factory was profitable for the first time. 2019 was even better.