Forest Owners Association unites local forestry unions across Estonia. It acts as a common ground between forest owners, timber industry and the state. Its sole purpose is to impose a high universal standard of forest maintenance to provide higher value from forest property.
We mapped the real needs of forest owners and paired these with the range of services offered by the forestry unions. The set of services was simplified and laid out comprehensively. There’s now a clearly defined service standard Estonian forestry strives to meet to join the Association.
Metsaühistu viib kokku üksikud erametsaomanikud, metsatöötlejad ja riigi. Ühistu liikmed aitavad metsaomanikel oma metsa kasvatada ja kasutada, teenides sellelt võimalikult suurt tulu pika aja vältel.
Kaardistasime metsaomanike esmased vajadused ning kõrvutasime üle Eesti olevate metsaühistute pakutavate teenustega. Need tuli korrastada ja metsaomanikele arusaadavaks teha. Metsaühistu on nüüd metsahalduse kvaliteedistandard.