ENG: The Vaillant Group conducted the first pan-European study on green intelligence among 13.500 participants in 13 different countries. The results of that study were publicized in an online CSR campaign: ‘My Green IQ’. Being a sustainable company the Vaillant Group wanted to create further engagement with the topic by enabling visitors to check their own ‘Green IQ’ and compare their IQ with others. We created 2 animations to support the bigger campaign and to promote people to take the interactive self-test.
EST: Vaillant Group korraldas üle-euroopalise uuringu, et selgitada välja, kui "rohelised" ollakse eri riikides ning mis on regionaalsed eripärad. Peale uuringut soovis klient kaasata inimesi veelgi. Selleks loodi interaktiivne test, mida kõik soovijad said netis ka täita. Testi täitnud said teada, kui rohelised nad tegelikult on.
Selle projekti tarbeks lõime me 2 animatsiooni, mille ülesandeks oli kutsuda inimesi testi tegema ning uuringu tulemustega tutvuma.