Design that was ordered as a favour and then turned down by a friend who needed a label for his school project vinyl release.
The tricky part was to come up with a solution that would work on it's on without designed sleeve (budget reasons). The music itself is naive and soft electronica, it took me back to the lego and pc games times, this is how the illustrations were born. The work got turned down as it didn't copy the style of other designer (asked by the client) and was accused of being too cheerful.
Sahtlisse jäänud töö mis sündis sõbra palvel kellel oli käsil ülikooli projekt - vinüüli väljaanne. Illustratsioonid ja kujundid sündisid inspireerudes antud plaadi muusikast, naiivsetest süntpopilikest biitidest mis tõid kaasa vanade arvutimängude ja legode nostalgia.