ENG: I stumbled upon this piano score while browsing freesound.org website and instantly thought I need to make an animated short out of it. It's something I've worked on in my spare time, doing bit here and there, never really knowing where it'll all end up. I just wanted to do something different to what I do professionally. Also bit of a homage to art deco movement that I love and look to for inspiration.
EST: Ma leidsin taustaks kasutatud klaveripala, kui kolasin ringi freesound.org lehel ning kohe peale esmakuulamist oli selge, et ma kasutan seda animatsiooni taustaks. projekt on teostatud oma vabast ajast kordagi mõtlemata, kuhu see välja jõuab või mida ta taotleb. ma lihtsalt tahtsin teha midagi erinevat oma päevatööst. Ühtlasi on see ka pisike homage art deco stiilile.