„Uure“ on kunstiteos, mis katab Rahvusarhiivi peahoone fassaadi. Tegu on mustriga, mis kannab endas uurimistöö olemust. Sama muster on kujutatud ka „Uure“ sallil. Kuna tegu on Rahvusarhiivi meenega, on pakendi loomisel lähtutud sellest, et ka see omaks selget viidet arhiivile ja moodustaks koos salliga esindusliku terviku.
“Uure” scarf packaging
“Uure” is a work of art that covers the facade of the main building of National Archives. It is a pattern that describes the process of research. The same pattern is used on the “Uure” scarf. Being a souvenir of the National Archives, the idea of the packaging is originated from a clear reference to archives to create a representative whole between the scarf and the package.