Client: The Nautilus
Country: Estonia, Tallinn
The Nautilus is an oyster bar and restaurant in the old city of Tallinn. Since the name was The Nautilus and the restaurant had an emphasis on seafood in its menu, it was decided to combine the fantastic 19th century stylistics of Jules Verne and the theme of a fish restaurant. As a result, it turned out to create illustrations in the style of steampunk, which do not contradict the stylistics of the classical restaurant, but fascinate with their details. The harmonious illustrations are combined with the classic typography in the logo. (The logo is completely hand-drawn, it's not a typeface).
Nautilus on austribaar Tallinna vanalinnas. Nimest ja koha iseloomust lähtudes otsustati siduda 19. sajandi Jules Verne’i stilistika kalarestorani omaga. Tulemuseks steampunk elementidest inspireeritud illustratsioonid, mis ei lähe vastuollu klassikalise restorani kuvandiga, aga mõjuvad üllatavalt oma detailsuses. Ilustratsioonid moodustavad koos lihtsa tüpograafiaga harmoonia. Logo puhul ei ole kasutatud valmis kirjatüüpi, vaid tegu on käsitsi joonistatud ja hiljem digitaalselt viimistletud märgiga.