We were approached by the client to create a campaign for their Tesla Gigafactory pitch. We teamed up with AKU and copy-writer Scott Diel to put together a straight to the point 60-second elevator pitch delivering all the unique advantages that Pakri has. We're fast and we like to do our business digital, Elon Musk can become an e-resident and sign board meeting documents from where-ever he is. And we've legalized self-driving cars!
Production time was only 2 weeks. That was the main reason clean line drawing was chosen for main elements. To bring an extra finesse, 3D electron particles play a secondary role in delivering the message and together with the sound design give the pitch a correct atmosphere.
Loovkontseptsioonist kuni finishini oli aega kaks nädalat. See mõjutas tugevalt valitud esteetikat. Sündis selge joone ja lihtsate elementidega animatsioon, mis lühidalt annab edasi Pakri eelised konkurentidega võrreldes. Et visuaal ei jääks liiga lihtsustatuks, lõime elektrone meenutavate 3D osakestega keskkonna, mis esiplaanil toimuvaga kaasa võngub. Saatja ja sidevahendina toimib suurepäraselt Horret Kuusi loodud helitaust.