Triennaal on rahvusvaheline kunstisündmus, mis ärgitas sel korral mõtisklema aja üle. Kui Kreeka mütoloogias kujutati aega vana targa mehe, halli habemega Chronosena, siis tema tänapäevane personifikatsioon tundub olevat noorem, närvilisem ja alatasa kuhugi tormav tuulepea. Seejuures on ühtviisi negatiivse varjundi saanud nii kiirus (liigne pealiskaudsus) kui ka selle vastandiks olev aeglus (mahajäämus). Ajataju on siiski alati subjektiivne – aja kulgemise tempo ja tähenduse panevad paika meie endi valikud ja väärtussüsteem. / The triennial is an international art event, this year it invited audiences to reflect on the concept of time. While Greek mythology used to depict time as the wise old man with a grey beard known as Chronos, the contemporary personification of him seems to be a younger scatter-brained individual who is rather nervous and constantly rushing about. Both slowness (falling behind) and speed (extreme superficiality) have acquired equally negative connotations. At the same time, the sense of time is subjective. The pace of passing of time is not inevitable – its tempo and meaning are determined by our own choices and value systems.