Juhuse läbi kujunes viimasest kahest plakatist 2016/17 TIKSu plagude seeriale välja presidenditeema: aasta algas üleküllastunud meediaga Trumpi & Putini väidetavast koostööst. Nende omavaheline tants (ja “soorollid”) tundusid sobilikud muusikaürituse plagule. Veebruaris tegime koostööd ERSOga ning kuna 99s Vabariigi aastapäev juhatas sisse EV100 pidustuste alguse, siis tundus sobilik taas meediast inspiratsiooni ammutada ning küsida, kas Kaljulaid tuleb vastu 100 a. jooksul meespresidentide poolt kujundatud rahva ootustele.
A coincidence turned into a theme that tied up the 2016/17 TIKS posters cycle. While January was the month we had to reconcile with media bloated with trump’s Trump’s presidency, the February event was held in tandem with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and is the month when we celebrate Estonia´s 99th Independence Day. The centennial year will be during our first female president’s first term. Here I began trying to conceptually tie in poster art with what’s happening at the time: Trump in an alleged dance with Putin; our own fresh president having to live up to expectations set by 100 years of male presidents .