Nordea Kontserdimaja vana infograafika ei täitnud oma eesmärki ja tekitas segadust nii publiku alal kui ka lava taga.
Uue viidastiku eesmärk oli keeruline maja võimalikult lihtsaks teha. Märksõnad: selgus, loogika, suurus, must-valge kontrast. Publiku osas lisaks ka oranž. Spetsiaalselt Nordea jaoks loodud ikoonid.
Kujundus on õhuline, et oluline info oleks kergesti haaratav.
Nordea Concert Hall’s old infographics did not fulfill its purpose and created lots of confusion both backstage and in the audience area. The goal of the new infographics was to make the complicated building as simple as possible. Keywords: clarity, logic, size, black and white contrast. In audience area with the addition of orange. Especially designed icons. There is air in the design so that important information would be easy to grasp.