Eesti käsitöös ja kultuuris on tähtis osa kanga kudumisel. Eesti Rahva Muuseumi viitade idee on kantud lõimedest ja vaipadest, kuid on kootud metallist. Viitade tüpograafia põhineb ERMi oma fondil Aestii, mis on loodud Mart Andersoni poolt. Viitade vorm ja materjalid muudavad nad osaks hoone terviklikust arhitektuurist.
Weaving is a significant part of Estonian handicraft and culture. The signs in the Estonian National Museum are inspired by threads and rugs, even though they are weaved from metal. The typography of the signs is based on ERM's own font, Aestii, which was designed by Mart Anderson. The form and materials of the signs help them blend in with the building's architecture, creating a unified whole.