E-Residency is a government-issued digital ID which provides the freedom to easily start and run a global business in a trusted EU environment. We produced 3 separate animations explaining what it is, the steps needed to successfully apply and the solutions it offers.
The designs are based on an official Estonian brand guidelines that e-Residency has adopted. But to give it a more unique look, we explored the outskirts of the visual system. The strokes are still evenly weighted and no perspective is used, but adding airbrush-like textures to flat fills enabled us to get more elaborate look and feel to animations. The detailness of the layouts and the use of characters were also a challenge because we wished to animate every tiny object in the scene.
Me tootsime E-Residentsusele kolm animatsiooni. Mis see on, kuidas seda saada ning mida sellega pihta hakata?
Disain toetub ühtsele eesti visuaalisüsteemile, mida e-Residentsus kasutab. Kompasime selle süsteemi piire sooviga saavutada kujunduselt unikaalset tulemust. Tekstuuride lisamine sisuvärvidesse andis soovitud tulemuse. Väljakutseks oli kujunduste detailirohkus, karakterite kaasamine ja soov liikuma panna ka pisimgi objekt.