Chalk & Chuckles didn’t just need an e-commerce website. They needed an online brand presence as well for Indian and global market. Together with the client we created a website where their vision can shine, but also where visitors can immediately make a purchase.
Chalk & Chuckles’ plan is to take this brand worldwide, so the website also had to look and feel like a global brand not only local Indian market. The website also had to communicate the point of educational games and explain the games themselves: which skills they develop, how to play them properly, etc.
E-pood ei pea olema igav! Eriti kui see on mõeldud sellise teema jaoks nagu lauamängud, mis arendavad laste võimeid ja taju. Tegime koostöös kliendiga e-poe lahenduse ja brandi kuvandi veebi. Turuks on India aga potentsiaaliga pakkuda mängurõõmu lastele ka muljal maailmas.