In contrast to other craft beer producers who aim at playful, extravagant and complicated craft beers – both in their taste and designs – Muddis brewery produces handcraft beer that is focused on very classical styles and is easy to drink, thus broadening the audience for craft beer drinkers. The packaging supports that idea through classical typography and simple information. In relation to the silhouette and proportions of the bottle, careful considerations have been applied to create the unique oval-rectangle shape of the label, which also repeats itself in the logo – creating a direct link between the product and the brand. The saison-style flagship beer in champagne bottle uses the same principles of design, but without the unique shape of the label and typographic frames.
Muddis Õllevabrik toodab kergeltjoodavaid käsitöö-õlusid, mis põhinevad klassikalistel stiilidel. Pudelite kujundus jätkab sama põhimõtet kasutades klassikalisi tüpograafia võtteid ning selget info edastust.