See, et huvitavate kultuurisündmuste hulk on plahvatuslikult kasvanud, ei ole kellelegi uudis. Üha keerulisem olla pildis, tekitada huvi ja säilitada sündmuse enda nägu. Aastate jooksul on Birgitta festivali programm muutunud mitmekesisemaks, kus elamusi jagub kõigile. Tõsistest ooperi aariatest modernse tantsuni. Sellest tingituna on muutunud ka Birgitta graafika - mitmekesisemaks, eristuvamaks ja vabamaks. Traditsioonid uues kuues.
It's no news to anybody that the number of interesting cultural events has increased explosively. It has become more and more difficult to be noticed, arouse interest and preserve the face of the event at the same time. During the years, Birgitta festival's programme has become more varied and everyone will find something to enjoy – from serious opera arias to modern dance. As a result, the graphics of Birgitta has also changed - it has become more varied, distinguishable and free. Traditions in new form.