Bevira tarkvara koosneb moodulitest ning sellest inspireerituna on logos olev B täht kokku pandud mitmest moodulist ning disainitud meenutama käežesti OK 👌, kinnitamaks, et Beviraga on sinu äri kontrolli all. Inimese pöidla ning robotliku nimetissõrme kombinatsioon kirjeldab Bevira ideed. Inimlik meeskond ning tasemel tarkvara – perfektne sümbioos inimese ja tehnoloogia vahel. Illustreeritud karakterite eesmärk on iseloomustada klientidele Bevira toodet ja teenust.
Bevira’s software consists of modules and the letter B in the logo is made up from different elements and designed to remind the viewer the hand gesture OK 👌 showing that your business is under control with Bevira.
The combination of the human thumb and the robot-like pointing finger symbolizes the humanly and friendly attitude of the Bevira team and software. A perfect symbiosis between technology and humans. The character illustrations act as different client examples to explain potential customers what Bevira does.