Little pocket guide introducing Siigur Restaurants’ restaurants to a tourist happening to visit one of their establishments. Something that can be slipped to the customer alongside the bill, and that one would want to take with him / her: fitting the pocket, and not feeling like blatant marketing flyer. And most of all to give a clear idea of the differences between the five restaurants Siigur runs – but in a fun, engaging way.
Väike taskuvoldik avab turistidele 5 erineva Siigur Restorani sisu käepärases mängulises vormis. Pisike, kuid pilkupüüdev ja tuleb Siigur Restorani külastajale arvega kaasa. Isutekitaja, mis mahub ideaalselt taskusse ning ei jäta tavapärase turundusmaterjali muljet.