I am a marketing designer working at Veriff and also doing freelance work. I get most of my inspiration for the visuals from music which is also the reason why I like to work with them. That allows me to get a behind-the-scenes understanding what goes into music making so I can understand how to present it to the fans in a coherent way. I’m also very much interested in fashion design, which I have put into practice by doing merchandise for a few artists and also for creating designs for a fashion house.
Töötan Veriffis turundusdisainerina ning teen tihti tööd ka vabakutselise disainerina. Peamiselt ammutan inspiratsiooni muusikast. Seetõttu meeldib mulle eriti nendega koostööd teha, kuna saan paremat aimu, kudas musika loomise protsess välja näeb. See omakorda aitab fännidel paremini artisti visuaalina ära tunda. Lisaks on mul suur huvi ka moedisaini vastu, mida olen saanud praktiseerida nii mitme artisti riiete disainimisel kui ka moemajale tulevaste disainide väljamõtlemisel.