Briif oli redisainida Kalevi turistisari selliselt, et see meeldiks nii turistidele kui kohalikele. Eesmärk oli edasi kanda romantilist idülli ja magusat nostalgiat.
Tugevalt inspireeritud 1930ndadel esimese Eesti Vabariigi aegsete art Deco postrite stiilist. Karpidele on maalitud Tallinnat ja Pärnut iseloomustavad võtmekohad ja stseenid möödunud hiilgeajast.
The brief was to redo the tourist range from Estonia’s largest chocolate producer Kalev, in order to make them desirable to both tourists and locals alike. The aim was to conjure up a sense of romance and warm nostalgia. Heavily inspired by art Deco posters from Estonia’s first republic times in the 1930’s. The boxes depict key scenes from these Baltic cities whilst pulling at heartstrings with a sense of bygone glamour and whimsical storytelling.