TõnuEXPIRED: Your credit card ending with 3225 has expired. Please log in to your Defolio account to renew it right now.EXPIRED: Your credit card ending with 3225 has expired. Please log in to your Defolio account to renew it right now.
TõnuTRIAL EXPIRING: Thank you for trying Defolio out. Your trial period is going to expire in 7 days. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to extend your subscription.TRIAL EXPIRING: Thank you for trying Defolio out. Your trial period is going to expire in 7 days. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to extend your subscription.
TõnuTRIAL EXPIRED: Thank you for trying Defolio out. Your trial period has expired. Please [log in to your Defolio account] and extend your subscription. Otherwise we have to suspend your account.TRIAL EXPIRED: Thank you for trying Defolio out. Your trial period has expired. Please [log in to your Defolio account] and extend your subscription. Otherwise we have to suspend your account.
TõnuPAYMENT DUE: Thank you for using Defolio! Your next payment for the subscription is charged from your credit card ending with 3225 in 7 days. Please [log in to your Defolio account] in case you need to switch cards etc.PAYMENT DUE: Thank you for using Defolio! Your next payment for the subscription is charged from your credit card ending with 3225 in 7 days. Please [log in to your Defolio account] in case you need to switch cards etc.
TõnuPAYMENT FAILED: We failed to charge your credit card ending with 3225 for the Defolio subscription. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to renew the card. Otherwise we'll have to suspend your account.PAYMENT FAILED: We failed to charge your credit card ending with 3225 for the Defolio subscription. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to renew the card. Otherwise we'll have to suspend your account.
TõnuSUSPENDED: You haven't extended your Defolio subscription. We have to suspend your account effective right now. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to extend subscription and get stuff back online right away.SUSPENDED: You haven't extended your Defolio subscription. We have to suspend your account effective right now. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to extend subscription and get stuff back online right away.
TõnuSUSPENDED #2: You haven't extended your Defolio subscription. We had to suspend your account. Don't worry, all your stuff is safe with us and will be back online rightaway after you have extended the subscription. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to do it.SUSPENDED #2: You haven't extended your Defolio subscription. We had to suspend your account. Don't worry, all your stuff is safe with us and will be back online rightaway after you have extended the subscription. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to do it.
Martinäkki kasti taustavärv peaks olema natuke teistsugune, kui lehe taustavärv. nt ühtlane.äkki kasti taustavärv peaks olema natuke teistsugune, kui lehe taustavärv. nt ühtlane.
TõnuPigem lisaks see "disträkšõnit"Pigem lisaks see "disträkšõnit"
Mikksuspended#2 tekst jätab mulje ikkagi, et asjadele ei saa ligi. tegelt saab, lihtsalt pro featuure ei saa enam kasutada/juurde teha.
võiks kohendadasuspended#2 tekst jätab mulje ikkagi, et asjadele ei saa ligi. tegelt saab, lihtsalt pro featuure ei saa enam kasutada/juurde teha.
võiks kohendada
TõnuSUSPENDED #3: You haven't extended your Defolio subscription. We had to suspend your account's Pro features. Don't worry, all your stuff is safe with us and you are back on track right after you've extended the subscription. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to do it.SUSPENDED #3: You haven't extended your Defolio subscription. We had to suspend your account's Pro features. Don't worry, all your stuff is safe with us and you are back on track right after you've extended the subscription. Please [log in to your Defolio account] to do it.