Sotsiaalkindlustusamet pöördus avaliku sektori innovatsiooniprogrammi, et puude määramine automatiseerida. Kasutajaintervjuud viisid taipamiseni, et puude määramine üksinda inimest ei aita, vaid ta vajab abi, et igapäevatoimingutega hakkama saada. Disainiti protsess, kus varasema kolme taotluse asemel pakuti puudega lapse vanemale proaktiivset abi, säästes neid keerulisest bürokraatiast. Lapsed said kiiremini vajalikele teenustele ja SKAs vähenes taotluse arv ja menetluskulud.
Social Insurance Board wished to automate the process of disability assessment. User-centric approaches in the Public Sector Innovation Programme led to a realisation that disability assessment alone is not what people need, they need assistance to cope with daily activities. A new process was designed, where instead of three applications people were provided with proactive services. This saved parents of disabeled children from tedious paperwork, children got necessary services quicker and SIB reduced costs.