Karmeni tööd tähistavad tema tausta ja näitavad valvsust ka kõige tavalisematele detailidele. Leides ilu inetus ja soovimatus võtab ta oma käsitöö täiesti erinevasse suunda. Ta kohtleb oma tööd kui kunsti projekti, mis võimaldab olla julge ja väljendusrikas. 16-aastaselt, kui ta kolis Inglismaale et jätkata oma kunsti arengut. Aasta töötas ta Hollandis keraamikuna,kus asutas oma stuudio.
Karmen celebrates her background and is alert to even the most common and often unforgotten detail. Finding beauty in the ugly and unwanted takes her craft to a totally different direction. She treats her work as a piece of art, allowing the projects to be brave and expressive. Encouraging people to challenge their perception towards everyday objects.
She has been studying art full time since the age of 16 when she moved to England to pursue her artistic developments
in Fine art, Design. For a year she worked as a ceramicist in NL and started her studio there.