Tauri Mae ja Mari Saarepera - dünaamiline duo insenerist ja kunstnikust, kelle ühiseks kireks on disain. Kahe äärmuse koos tööle hakkamisel on loomeprotsessil sama palju ühist kui nihkkaliibril ja pintslil. Aastate jooksul on sellest kujunenud kindel stiil ja väärtused, mille väljundiks on ühine disainistuudio. Kombineerides tehnilisi teadmisi kunsti ja disainiga tekkis midagi, mis on nende jaoks päris – Mari Lights.
Tauri Mae and Mari Saarepera - a dynamic duo of engineer and artist, whose common passion is design. When the two extremes begin working together, their creative process has about as much in common as a caliper and a paintbrush. Over the years, a specific style and joint values have emerged from these clashing sides, and found a creative outlet in the form of a design studio. Two people with different backgrounds and worldviews have learned to successfully work together, and by combining technical knowledge with art and design, have created something real – Mari Lights.