Piltide eesmärgiks on pesu presenteerida ebaharilikul moel, samas omades kontseptuaalset väärtust, nii seeriana kui ka eraldi seisva fotona. Oluline oli näidata toodete mugavust ja igapäevast liikumist läbi dünaamiliste pooside. Sündis veider sümbioos loomulikust kehast ja plastilisest mannekeenist, kus põhirõhk on tootel.
Seeria täieneb pidevalt, koosnedes hetkel enam kui 50-nest fotost.
The aim of the photos is to present lingerie in an unprecedented way, but at the same time having a conceptual value as a series and as a stand-alone photo.
It was important to communicate the comfort and wearability of the lingerie through dynamic poses. A peculiar symbiosis of a natural bodily form and a plastic mannequin was created, with the main emphasis being on the product.
The series is ever evolving, currently consisting of more than 50 photos.