Kuna tervishoid on inimesekeskne teenus, siis valisime Eesti e-tervise süsteemi ning tulevikusuundi tutvustavate klippide peategelasteks ühe Eesti perekonna. Saage tuttavaks - Ly, Martin ja Hugo. Läbi oma igapäevaste tegemiste puutuvad nad kokku e-tervise lahendustega, mis hõlbustavad perekonna suhtlust arstidega, võimaldab tervishoiu spetsialistidel teha oma tööd paremini ja diagnoosida haigusjuhtum hõlpsamini.
Because the healthcare system is very human-oriented we chose to make the clips presenting the benefits of estonian E-Health services revolve around one family. Meet Ly, Martin & Hugo. A family that - like everyone else - sometimes need to go to see a doctor, buy a prescription drug or need an emergency help. We present all the benefits that E-health system offers. Fast communication between family and doctor, doctors communication between each other to give a better diagnosis or how renewing driving licence can be done without leaving your home.