Raamatu kujundusega otsustasime edasi anda roma kodude soojust, värviküllust, aga ka kasinaid olusid. Roma laste hulgas on nii neid, kes tunnevad oma päritolu üle uhkust kui ka neid, kes püüavad Eesti ühiskonda sulanduda sai kujundusse süstitud ka veidi põhjamaist joont. Veelgi enam, kuna autor vaatleb seda rahvakildu siiski läbi oma prillide, siis tema fotode plokk on kõige õhulisema ja korrastatuma olekuga. Laste fotoprojekti ja vana perealbumi leheküljed on üsna eklektilised ja mängulised.
Design of the book talks about warmth and colourfulness of Roma homes, but also austere conditions of the families. There are Roma children who are proud of their ancestry, but also those who would like to assimilate into Estonian society, so a bit of nordic feeling was added to the design. As the author looks at her subject with her own eyes, her spreads are minimal and correct by nature. Pages of Roma children’s photo project and photos of the old family album are quite eclectic and playful.