Wendre is not only the biggest bedding producer in Estonia, but in Europe as well. At the Heimtextil trade fair in Frankfurt the brand really had to rise above the competition. Since most textile companies try to show to potential customers everything that they do, there was a smart way to approach it. We focused on just one high-tech product, building the whole interactive set around it, big. The star product took centre stage as a full marketing package, displaying how the clients – resellers – could sell it.
The main stage was supported by a tangible sustainability statement and a functional playground. Showing how smart Wendre’s products are on the inside made the brand stand out from the crowd, literally.
Wendre on üks suuremaid teki-padjatootjaid terves Euroopas. Selge ülesanne oli teha see üheselt mõistetavaks Frankfurdi messil Heimtextil, näidata brändi ülemuslikkust konkurentidest. Kuna enamus tekstiilitootjaid püüavad näidata kõike, mida nad toodavad, sai massist eristuda nutikalt – keskendudes vaid ühele kõrgtehnoloogilisele tootele. Ehitasime kogu boksi selle fookuspunkti ümber. Käegakatsutav keskkonnateadlikkuse teemanurk tõmbas külastajaid ning toetas ettevõtte suunanäitaja rolli.