Aastast 2016 lebab sahtlis pop-up raamatu makett. Tegemist on erootikasugemete ja cyberpungi teemalise illustreeritud raamatuga täiskasvanutele koos võimalusega dešifreerida ja mängida liikuvate piltidega. Pop-up raamatu graafiline ja tehniline kujundus kuulub elamuse tekitamise valdkonda. Plaanis on luua pop-up tehnikas esteetilise väärtusega erootikateemaliste raamatute ja kaartide seeriaid. Tänu mõistetavale pildikeelele sobib raamat ka välisturule. Pabermaterjalid: Antalis,maketi mõõdud:150x285 mm, 9 lk
Since 2016, there is a pop-up book mock-up laying in my drawer. This is a book for adults about erotic motifs and wrapped in a cyberpunk like alternative, with opportunity to codebreak and play with moving pictures. The graphical and technical design of the pop-up book belongs into the sphere of primal sense of excitement or to some core effect of it. The plan is to create a series of books and merch with aesthetic value and eroticism made in pop-up technique. Thanks to the comprehensible picture language, the book is also suitable for foreign markets. Paper materials: Antalis, the size of the book is 150x285 mm, 9 page.