The best restaurant in the Baltic states needs a “fucking perfect website” (pardon our French, but quoting the client here). To provide with that, equally perfect photos are of essence. Like the restaurant itself, extraordinary from start to finish, demanding one’s full attention. Striking, different and unexpected – while not giving out too much:
To truly experience NCH, one needs to visit it.
Yet to give an ultimate virtual taster of what to expect, we crowned the the photographic concept with an interactive time-lapse that reacts to the time of the day, showing the current lighting and atmosphere at the restaurant.
Baltikumi parim restoran soovib oma klientidele serveerida midagi enamat kui lihtsalt ilus kodulehekülg. Erakordne restoran esitleb perfektseid fotosid ja kordumatut sisu. Pilkupüüdev ja elamusi pakkuv – jäädes samal ajal ka pisut salapäraseks ja ootamatuks. Tekitab gurmeenautijas kohese tunde, et pelgalt kodulehe külastamisest ei piisa, tõelise elamuse kogemiseks tuleb kindlasti külastada NOA Chef’s Hall’i.