Eesti on eesrindlik nutiriik. Ometi toimetavad paljud väikeettevõtjad oma ladudega sovjetiaegsetes garaažides, kus naabriteks sageli ebaturvalistes tingimustes toimetavad soss-sepad või lärmakad rullnokad. Tegime mõnest ehedamast fotojäädvustusi, et provotseerida potentsiaalseid kliente endale Kookon nutiladude näol paremat naabrust tahtma.
Estonia is considered the most digitally advanced country in the world. Storages and workshops of many small companies though are still situated in old soviet time garage units, where you have to work side-by-side with geezers and washouts. We illustrated our message “Fancy better neighbours?” with some of these people.