Rahvusooper Estonia külastajad on pikalt oodanud, et lisaks etenduste külastusele oleks võimalik samas majas ka pidulikult süüa ning sellega kogu õhtule väärikas punkt panna. Nii avaski vanas Talveaias uksed restoran Estonia. Estonia restorani graafika on välja kasvanudpika ajalooga ooperimaja arhitektuurist ja atmosfäärist ning logo kandev kujund on endise Talveaia iseloomulik ovaalne aken.
Visitors to the Estonian National Opera have long been waiting for them, in addition to the performances, to be able to have a festive meal in the same building, and thus end the evening in a dignified manner. This is why the Estonia restaurant was opened in the old Winter Garden. The graphic design of the restaurant of Estonia has grown out of the architecture and atmosphere of the opera house with a long history and the image bearing the logo is a characteristic oval window of the former Winter Garden.